2016 Tamasha Tickets

Inaugural Reunion Event Tickets are now ON SALE

Event is approaching fast! Please buy your tickets soon!

***** You can buy your tickets at the Door – NEW NEW NEW!:

Tickets will be available at the door. Yes, You can purchase the tickets at the venue. Please arrive little early and buy your tickets at the door. Tickets are sold for US$ 75 for an adult and $30 for a child. Brunch tickets are also available at the door. The cost is US$ 25 for an adult and $20 for a child.
Thank you!

You can still buy your tickets either by posting a check to us or by the Paypal website (see details below). Once the payment is confirmed, your tickets will be e-mailed to the email address provided. Tickets are sent as PDF email attachments, so please make sure you provide us with a working email address.

***** To Pay for the tickets via CHECK:

Please send a check payable to CUFSAA with your contact information and email address.
Please indicate the number and types of tickets
that you are purchasing. The postal address to send these information is:

Colombo University Faculty of Science Alumni Association
393 Valley Road
River Edge NJ 07661

***** To Pay for the Tickets via PAYPAL:

01. TAMASHA 2016 – The Inaugural get-together (Tamasha 2016) will be on September 03, 2016 from 6pm – 1am at Akbar Banquet Hall, 21 Cortlandt Street, Edison NJ 08837 (http://www.akbarrestaurant.com/)

Tamasha Tickets – Adult – Click on “Add to Cart” to buy a ticket. Select the number of tickets you need and “Update”. Choose “continue Shopping” to return to the website to buy other event tickets you need and “Check out” to complete the transaction.

Tamasha Tickets – Adult Tamasha Tickets – Child: Children (under 12)


Children (under 12)



02. The Brunch/inaugural meeting of CUFSAA – will be on September 04, 2016 from 11am-2pm at Akbar Banquet Hall, 21 Cortlandt Street, Edison NJ 08837 (http://www.akbarrestaurant.com/)

Brunch Tickets – Adult – Click on “Add to Cart” to buy a ticket. Select the number of tickets you need and “Update”. Choose “continue Shopping” to return to the website to buy other event tickets you need and “Check out” to complete the transaction.

Brunch Tickets – Adult Brunch Tickets – Child Children (under 12)


Children (under 12)



Event is approaching fast! Please buy your tickets soon!