TAMASHA 2018 Event Sponsorship – Buy an Advertisement

Please read below for information on Tamasha 2018 Event Sponsorship

  1. TAMASHA 2018 – Sponsorship are available!
  2. TAMASHA 2018 Event Sponsorship Cost and details
  3. TAMASHA 2018 Event Sponsorship Online Payment Link

Thank you!

01. TAMASHA 2018 – Sponsorship are available!

The TAMASHA 2018 Get-Together of the alumni of the Science Faculty of the University of Colombo, Sri Lanka will be held at the LaCentre Conference and Banquet Facility, 25777 Detroit Road, Westlake, Ohio 44145 on May 26th, 2018. The Get-Together/Dinner/Dance is organized by the Colombo University Faculty of Science Alumni Association – North America (CUFSAA-NA), a non-profit organization incorporated in the state of New Jersey. CUFSAA-NA is formed exclusively for social, charitable, and educational purposes to foster, maintain and support a mutually beneficial relationship between the alumni of the Colombo University, Faculty of Science living in North America, The University of Colombo, and the community at large. Proceeds from all events organized by CUFSAA will be utilized for projects at or related to the University of Colombo.

We solicit your support for the event with an advertisement for the inaugural souvenir magazine. Our sponsorship levels for the event and costs are described below, in addition to the benefits for each level of support.

Please click on this link for the PDF document of CUFSAA 2018 Sponsorship Request.

For further inquiries, please contact: info@cufsaa.org

We look forward to your support. Please advise your sponsorship level by email by April 22, 2018.

Please make checks payable to CUFSAA and send your checks and advertisements to:
Dr. Reshan Fernando
323 Burgwin Wright Way,
Cary, NC 27519

Email: resh@rti.org
Phone: 919.303.7433 (h), 919.541.6730 (w), 919.656.4524 (m)

02. TAMASHA 2018 Event Sponsorship Cost and details

Sponsorship Levels Cost
Title Sponsor $3000
Gold Sponsor $2000
Silver Sponsor $1500
Outer Back Cover $1000
Inner Back Cover $750
Inner Front Cover $750
Program Middle page Banner #1 $500
Program Middle page Banner #2 $500
Inside Full page – Commercial $200
Inside Full page – Personal $100
Addon to any of the above sponsorship: Play a 30second video clip and display of promotional materials provided by you. Each 30 sec. cost $100. Maximum 2min (= 4 plays) $100

Please include a camera ready copy of your advertisement or email the advertisement to us at info@cufsaa.org.

03. TAMASHA 2018 Event Sponsorship Online Payment Link

Please click on link below to access the online payment link.

You can pay for your advertisement via PayPal using your credit card.

Please visit this page and enter your payment information and purchase.


Thank you!

For further inquiries, please contact: info@cufsaa.org

TAMASHA 2018 – Organizing Committee