Launch Pad

Table of Contents

  1. Launch Pad student grant program Flyer and Description
  2. Make your pledge or donate NOW!
  3. Launch Pad Progress UpdateApril 30, 2024

1. Launch Pad student grant program Flyer and Description

Attention Science alumni and well-wishers!

Many science faculty students are going through grave financial difficulties!

Help them launch their education with a financial grant.

CUFSAA launched the “Launch Pad” student grant program to help science faculty students who are navigating grave economic hardships as they complete their studies.

The recent economic crisis in Sri Lanka has elevated these hardships to unbearable levels. It’s time to help ! You can help!

  1. Grants are annual, and each is worth US $ 360.
  2. Thirty-six grants will be given yearly to the Faculty of Science’s most needy special degree students.
  3. A committee of Faculty of Science Faculty Members representing all academic departments will select the students using criteria agreed by all departments.
  4. You can either sponsor a specific number of grants or contribute to the grant fund.
  5. Contributions can be made for various dedications (in memory of loved ones, to students following a specific special degree, or as a gesture from a certain alumni class (Say, class of 1979), and CUFSAA will make every attempt to recognize such dedications.

CUFSAA has committed to providing grants for three years to the Faculty of Science, and the first session of the Launch Pad program will start in June 2024.

2. Make your pledge or donate NOW!

Visit the following page to PLEDGE your contribution. Let’s help the next generation of student students launch their future!

Visit our Fund Raising Page and Make your pledge!


Visit our following paypal link or scan QR code to make your donation NOW!

Paypal Donate Button Paypal QR Code
If you prefer to Donate online through a secure Paypal connection instead of a pledge, Please use the following button or the QR-code to in this table.

3. Launch Pad Progress Update

We are happy to announce that we have 33 pledges so far to the Launch Pad grant program and has received $5880 in pledge payments as of April 30, 2024.

We have committed three years’ of grants to the Faculty of Science (36 X 3 = 108 grants in all).

Please make your pledge and contact your friends to pledge (or make direct payments).

Thank you!

CUFSAA Launch-Pad Subcommittee